This is the Master List of all courses offered by our department. Please consult Programs for information on how these courses can be counted towards their undergraduate majors and minors. For information on how Chinese courses can be counted towards the M.A.T. in Chinese, please consult the M.A.T in Chinese page. In addition, please be advised that the syllabus for any given page will have the most accurate information. Syllabi can generally be found on the current or recent course offerings pages, as well as in the course description. However, not every class listed has a syllabus. In these cases, please contact the department or appropriate Professor for more information.

Asian Studies 01:098

Asian Studies Culture Courses

01:098:215 Introduction to Vietnamese Literature in Translation

01:098:235 Mongolian Literature in Translation

01:098:241 East Asian Civilizations: Pre-modern Era

01:098:242 East Asian Civilizations: Modern Era

01:098:250 Global East Asia

01:098:252/01:508:250 | Southeast Asia and the World – Core requirements: HST, SCL

01:098:262 Asian American Experience: Identity and Ethnicity

01:098:280 | Modern Vietnam in Literature and Film

01:098:321 Topics in Asian Studies

01:098:322 Selected Interdisciplinary Topics in East Asia

01:098:331 Sounds of Asia

01:098:338  Religious Themes in East Asian Literature 

01:098:393 Independent Study of Asian Languages and Literatures

01:098:410 The History of East Asian Writing Systems

01:098:444 Seminar on East Asian Societies

01:098:473  The Silk Road: A History of Cultural and Material Exchanges 

01:098:477 Woman and gender in east Asia Religiosity

01:098:479  Environmental Crises in Southeast Asia

Asian Studies Language Courses

01:098:101 Elementary Filipino

01:098:102 Elementary Filipino

01:098:111 Elementary Vietnamese

01:098:112 Elementary Vietnamese

01:098:151 Elementary Manchu

01:098:201 Intermediate Tagalog/Culture I


Chinese 01:165

Chinese Culture Courses

01:165:215 Introduction to Chinese Civilization

01:165:210 The Chinese Language: Description and History

01:165:211 Language and Identity in Modern Chinese Societies

01:165:220 Chinese Classics and Thought: Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism

01:165:241 Chinese Literature in Translation I: Prose and Poetry

01:165:242 Chinese Literature in Translation II: Popular Fiction and Drama

01:165:262 Chinese Cinema

01:165:264 Chinese Drama and Performing Arts

01:165:310 Modern Chinese Literature in Translation

01:165:341 Major Traditions in Chinese Thought

01:165:342 Major Traditions in Chinese Thought

01:165:461 History of Chinese Literature: Beginnings to 1300

01:165:462 History of Chinese Literature: 1300 to 1900

01:165:463 Nature in Chinese Literature

01:165:470 Modern Chinese Literature and Film

01:165:471 Early "China" in the "World" - Cosmography, Epistemology & Encountering the Strange

01:165:473 The Silk Road: A History of Cultural and Material Exchanges

01:165:476 Women in Pre-Modern China

01:165:480 Cultural Memory in Contemporary China

01:165:482 Coldwar Chinese Literature and Film

Chinese Language Courses

01:165:101 Elementary Chinese

01:165:102 Elementary Chinese

01:165:103 Elementary Chinese Conversation

01:165:107 Basic Spoken Chinese

01:165:108 Basic Spoken Chinese II

01:165:110 Chinese Calligraphy

01:165:111 Chinese Calligraphy

01:165:121 Beginning Chinese Reading and Writing for Mandarin Speakers

01:165:201 Intermediate Chinese

01:165:202 Intermediate Chinese

01:165:205 Intermediate Chinese in China

01:165:222 Intermediate Chinese Reading and Writing for Mandarin Speakers

01:165:301 Advanced Modern Chinese

01:165:302 Advanced Modern Chinese

01:165:305 Advanced Chinese in China

01:165:321 Introduction to Classical Chinese

01:165:322 Introduction to Classical Chinese

01:165:361 Business Chinese

01:165:362 Business Chinese II

01:165:371 Contemporary Expository Chinese

01:165:393 Guided Research in China: Global and Local

01:165:401 Advanced Chinese Conversation and Composition

01:165:402 Advanced Chinese Conversation and Composition II

01:165:410 The Chinese Novel

01:165:412 Chinese Poetry

01:165:419 Readings in Classical Chinese Literature

01:165:420 Readings in Classical Chinese Literature

01:165:424 Origins and Development of Chinese Writing

01:165:425 Chinese Dialects

01:165:430 Advanced Chinese Grammar

01:165:451 Readings in Modern Chinese Literature

01:165:452 Readings in Modern Chinese Literature

01:165:490 Seminar on Chinese Literature and Thought

01:165:493 Independent Study

01:165:494 Independent Study

01:165:497 Honors in Chinese

01:165:498 Honors in Chinese


Japanese 01:565

Japanese Culture Courses

01:565:210 Introduction to Japanese Culture

01:565:215 A-Bomb Literature and Film in Japan

01:565:241 Premodern Japanese Literature in Translation

01:565:242 Modern Japanese Literature in Translation

01:565:250 Langugage and Society in Japan

01:565:315 Japanese Literature and the Atomic Bomb

01:565:317 Love, Honor, and Suicide in Japanese Literature

01:565:320 The Samurai Tradition in Japanese Literature and Film

01:565:333 Anime: Introduction to Japanese Animation

01:565:350 Japanese Film

01:565:360 Japanese Women Writers

01:565:370 Community and Difference in Japanese Literature and Film

01:565:380 Contemporary Japanese Literature and Film

01:565:395 Issues in Japanese Literature: Modern Japanese Novel and the West

01:565:460 Seminar on Japanese Film

01:565:475 The Tale of Genji as World Literature

01:565:480 Seminar on Modern Japanese Literature

01:565:483 From Text to Image in Japanese Art

Japanese Language Courses

01:565:101 Elementary Japanese

01:565:102 Elementary Japanese

01:565:103 Introduction to Japanese Writing

01:565:104 Speaking Elementary Japanese

01:565:201 Intermediate Japanese

01:565:202 Intermediate Japanese

01:565:213 Japanese Conversation and Culture

01:565:214 Japanese Conversation and Culture

01:565:301 Advanced Japanese

01:565:302 Advanced Japanese

01:565:303 Advanced Japanese for Business

01:565:304 Advanced Japanese for Business

01:565:313 Advanced Japanese Conversation and Contemporary Issues

01:565:314 Advanced Japanese Conversation and Contemporary Issues

01:565:325 Advanced Japanese Grammar and Rhetoric

01:565:361 Japanese Popular Culture

01:565:362 Japanese Popular Culture

01:565:401 Advanced Readings in Japanese

01:565:402 Advanced Readings in Japanese

01:565:411 Readings in Classical Japanese: Bungo

01:565:451 Translating Japanese Popular Media

01:565:452 Translating Japanese Popular Media

01:565:470 Seminar on Japanese Language and Literature

01:565:495 Independent Study

01:565:496 Independent Study

01:565:497 Honors in Japanese

01:565:498 Honors in Japanese


Korean 01:574

Korean Culture Courses

01:574:210 Introduction to Korean Culture

01:574:220 Introduction to Korean Literature in Translation I

01:574:221 Topics in Korean Literature in Translation II

01:574:230 Introduction to Korean Cinema and Cinematic Language

01:574:250 Korean Language in Culture and Society

01:574:310 Gender and Social Change in Korea

01:574:350 North Korea in the Socialist and Post-Socialist Worlds

01:574:390 Topics in Korean Studies

01:574:420 Traditional Korean Poetry: Sijo

01:574:470 Seminar on Modern Korean History

Korean Language Courses

01:574:101 Elementary Korean

01:574:102 Elementary Korean

01:574:103 Elementary Korean for Heritage Speakers

01:574:110 The History of the Korean Script and Calligraphy I

01:574:111 The History of the Korean Script and Calligraphy II

01:574:201 Intermediate Korean

01:574:202 Intermediate Korean

01:574:203 Intermediate Korean for Heritage Speakers

01:574:301 Advanced Korean

01:574:302 Advanced Korean

01:574:303 Advanced Korean for Business I

01:574:304 Advanced Korean for Business II

01:574:320 Korean Translation:Intro to Practical Translation

01:574:401 Advanced Readings in Korean

01:574:402 Advanced Readings in Korean

01:574:410 Readings in Korean Literature

01:574:411 Readings in Korean Literature

01:574:450 Korea in Translations: Modern Literature and Film

01:574:471 Korea in Translations: Contemporary Media

01:574:495 Independent Study in Korean

01:574:496 Independent Study in Korean

01:574:497 Honors in Korean

01:574:498 Honors in Korean
