positions: asia critique has published over 30 thematic issues, including several award-winners.
- Best New Journal, 1995
- Best Special Issue, 1999 (Runner-Up) – empires of hygiene
- Best Special Issue, 2008 – war capital trauma
- Best Special Issue, 2010 – beyond the strai(gh)ts: transnationalism and queer chinese politics
- Best Special Issue, 2015 – reconsidering the 2006 MIT visualizing cultures controversy
Awards are given by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals, of the Modern Language Association.
Our most recent thematic issues are:
- positions: asia critique 32.1 – the good life in late-socialist Asia: aspirations, politics, and possibilities
- positions: asia critique 31.4 – encountering violence: media and memory in asia
- positions: asia critique 31.2 – cultures of labor in contemporary china
- positions: asia critique 30.3 – villages make the city: displacement, dispossession, and class in china's urban villages
- positions: asia critique 30.2 – children and youth in asian migration: states, families and education
- positions: asia critique 29.4 – the maoism of prc history: against dominant trends in anglophone academia
- positions: asia critique 29.3 – productive encounters: kinship, gender, and family laws in east asia
- positions: asia critique 29.1 – the politics of storytelling in imperial island formations
Discover previous thematic issues on the Duke University Press positions: asia critique website.
To submit a thematic issue, see Submissions.