Professor Saito became a member of the Rutgers faculty in 2005 and teaches classes related to modern and contemporary Japanese literature, film, and popular culture in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures.  His forthcoming book Detective Fiction and the Rise of the Japanese Novel, 1880-1930 (Spring 2012 from Harvard University Asia Center) explores the critical role detective fiction played in the formation of modern Japanese literature.


  • Ph.D. Columbia University

Areas of Specialization

  • Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature
  • Japanese Film
  • Japanese Popular Culture



Selected Articles and Book Chapters

  • “The Novel’s Other: Detective Fiction and the Literary Project of Tsubouchi Shôyô,” The Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 36, No. 1, Winter 2010.
  • “Media and Consumption: A Case of Detective Fiction” (Bi-lingual), New Horizons in Japanese Literary Studies: Canon Formation, Gender, Media, ed. by Haruo Shirane (Tokyo: Bensey Publishing, 2009).
  • “Detecting the Unconscious: Edogawa Ranpo and Narratives of Modern Experience,” Proceedings of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies, Vol. 9, 2008.

Courses Taught

Selected Awards and Distinctions

  • Japanese Studies Fellowship, The Japan Foundation
  • Junior Fellowship in Japan Studies, the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
  • Doctoral Fellowship, The Japan Foundation