For the M.A.T. in Chinese, candidates are expected to complete a total of thirty credits.
The first 27 credits should normally be distributed over the following areas:
- 9 credits in language (e.g., linguistics, grammar, writing, translation, language across the curriculum)
- 12 credits in literature and/or culture
- 6 credits in methodology (taken through the Rutgers World Languages Institute).
- Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0.
See Learning Goals for Master of Arts for Teachers (M.A.T.) in Chinese for a more in-depth description of the program's aims.
In the semester after completing these 27 credits, students sign up for the 3-credit capstone course of the program, the Teaching Portfolio Project (16:617:599). In this independent study course candidates, under the supervision of two Rutgers faculty members, put together a teaching portfolio that consists of lesson plans, realia, and supplementary teaching materials pertinent to the work situation of each candidate. Of the 30 credits, candidates for the M.A.T. generally can take no more than 6 credits of advanced undergraduate course work towards the degree. Other options include:
- Students may elect to take one course (three credits) in the Graduate School of Education (GSE), upon prior approval by the graduate director.
- Students may, with the approval of the graduate director, participate in a summer graduate study abroad program and earn credits.
- The graduate director may accept up to 6 credits at the graduate level from another institution toward the fulfillment of degree requirements at Rutgers. Transfer credits must have been taken at an accredited college/university, must be based on graduate level course work related to Chinese language, linguistics, literature, or history in classes taught in Chinese, and cannot have been counted toward any degree that you previously completed (no double counting, see Graduate School-New Brunswick Catalog 2008-2010, “Academic Policies and Procedures”).
Candidates for the M.A.T. program are admitted on the basis of prior academic or professional performance and need not submit Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores. The course requirements of this program may be satisfied by coursework taken during the summer session as well as the regular academic year.