2019 4th Quarter Recipient of the Literature Translation Institute of Korea's Translation Grant


Brandon Park, a Part Time Lecturer in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, is one of the 2019 4th quarter recipients of the Literature Translation Institute of Korea’s Translation Grant. This grant supports translations of Korean fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and graphic novels into different languages (https://www.ltikorea.or.kr/en/transupen/transupen_about.do). The award is 5 million KRW (about $5,000) and grantees are asked to produce a more extensive translation of the work for publication. Brandon was awarded this grant for his translation of ten poems by South Korean poet Moon Taejun (1970-) into English. Moon, a poet known for his sparse language and Buddhist imagery, has previously only had a few individual poems translated into English. Brandon hopes to complete a full translation of Moon’s poetry collection titled Flatfish


Brandon Park graduated from Rutgers University with a B.A. in English Literature and completed the M.A. program in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures in 2019.