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“Translingual and Transcultural Identity Construction in BTS Reaction Videos on YouTube”
Wednesday, 11 March 2020,  4:30pm -  5:50pm


Lecture on BTS (Korean K - pop group) by Dr. Joowon Suh


Time: March 11th 4:30 - 5:50 pm

Location: Pane Room, Alexander Library College Avenue 

Abstract: This paper explores how linguistic and cultural identities are negotiated, mediated, and transformed by YouTube users in their reaction videos on BTS contents. The reaction video, “a meta-video that documents in real-time individuals watching another video usually for the first time” (Chun, 2017, p. 60), has emerged as a popular genre of user-generated content and a venue for online participation on YouTube. Reaction videos on BTS, undoubtedly the biggest K-pop phenomenon in the global digital media, have gained increasing popularity over the last three years, as BTS’s popularity and influence have grown beyond Korea and Asia. These reaction videos deal with various BTS contents, from their music videos to the contents generated by BTS themselves and their devoted fans. 


Click here for the lecture series workshop flyer.